Couples Therapy for one in Decatur, Georgia

Couples Therapy for One

What we want you to know is that it takes two to create a relationship, but it only takes one to change it. If your partner or family member is willing to come in, that would be ideal, but if they don’t, all is not lost. A trained relationship expert can help you learn key strategies to bring change to your relationship.
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You’re struggling, you’re unhappy, you have tried everything and nothing has made a difference.

You keep begging her to talk about the relationship, but she refuses. You have asked him to go to counseling, but he says it won’t help, he doesn’t “believe in” counseling, or he doesn’t want other people in his business.

Or you try to talk to your partner, but whenever you share your feelings, she blows up at you and tells you it’s your problem. She thinks it’s you are the one who needs to get yourself “fixed” for the relationship to get better.

Maybe you are not currently in a relationship, but you have had unsuccessful relationships in the past and want to change this pattern.

Couples Therapy for One can be very effective in any of the following scenarios

  • If you have been wanting to come in for couples counseling, but your partner or spouse refuses.
  • Maybe your partner works long hours or lives in another town, making it impossible for you two to come to counseling together.
  • You have had a series of bad relationships and want to understand why they don’t work out or why you keep choosing the wrong type of partner.
  • Or perhaps you tend to stay in bad relationships too long and either have trouble recognizing when it is time to leave or find it difficult to be the one to break up.

** Please note that couples therapy with both partners present is FASTER and MORE EFFECTIVE than you coming in alone. We want to try everything we can to get your partner in with you from the beginning of counseling. Often this is successful when people are certain their spouses won’t join them. But sometime it isn’t. When it isn’t…

Couples Therapy for One is designed for you!

You don’t have to attend couples therapy with your partner for your relationship to get better. We are specifically trained to hear both sides of the relationship when only talking to one person, and in helping one part of a couple bring changes to the entire relationship. You will be surprised how effective it can be.

Benefits of Couples Therapy for One are:

  • Learn how to feel more calm, clear, peaceful, and in charge of yourself in your relationship regardless of how your partner is behaving.
  • Feel good about making choices that support healthy, thriving relationships.
  • If your partner/spouse has a serious issue, whether addiction or another destructive behavior, find ways to cope whether you stay or leave.
Plum Tree Counseling is LGBTQIA+ affirming.

Hopeful, professional, and licensed clinicians who you can trust

At Plum Tree Counseling, we believe this represents turning hurting relationships into thriving ones, as well as recovering from the pain of a relationship that ends.
How it works

Book a free 10-minute consultation

Let’s start with a complimentary video or phone discovery consultation to determine if we’re am the best fit for you.
Book a free consultation

Schedule a 10 minute video or phone discovery consult to determine if I am the best fit for you.


Create a treatment plan

Meet in person or online, and together, we will develop and tailor your treatment plan to achieve your goals.


Get continued support

Schedule ongoing appointments so we can keep working toward your goals and get continued support.


Why choose us

There is hope!

Feeling better is just a click away.

Learn how to talk to each other so that your partner finally hears you.


Experience the connection with each other that you crave.


Have the intimacy that you did in the beginning… or even better!


Decide with clarity the direction of your marriage.


Experience joy in your life and relationships again.

Feeling better is just a click away.

You deserve a loving and connected relationship! Don’t wait another day. Give us a call or book online immediately.

What people are saying

It is unethical for therapists to request endorsements from clients. With that being said, here are a few unsolicited endorsements from some of our clients.